Policy Resolutions

The American Public Gas Association (APGA) exists to serve the needs of its members. The Association’s activities are guided by policy positions as memorialized in the APGA Policy Resolutions. APGA maintains permanent, detailed records of its evolving Policy Resolutions. Any APGA member in good standing is eligible to participate in APGA’s standing Committees. The Committees are responsible for reviewing the Policy Resolutions throughout the year and for bringing forth suggested amendments to the Policy Resolutions. The APGA staff shall ensure that all APGA members in good standing receive copies of the draft Policy Resolutions at least thirty (30) days before each Annual Meeting. At each Annual Meeting, the membership will vote on adopting the Policy Resolutions as presented. The current Policy Resolutions shall be displayed at all times on the public side of the APGA website.

At each Annual Meeting, APGA membership reviews and approves the Association’s Policy Resolutions. Members are encouraged to participate in the ongoing Committee process to propose changes to continuing resolutions and to bring forth new resolutions that reflect emerging issues relevant to public gas systems.
