
APGA Members Approve Revisions to Policy Resolutions at the Annual Meeting

By Dave Schryver posted 08-01-2019 09:06 AM

On July 31, APGA members unanimously approved the addition of two new policy resolutions as well as several revisions to APGA’s existing policy resolutions. APGA’s policy resolutions guide the association in the advocacy positions that are taken. Information on these resolutions was sent out as part of the Annual Meeting notice sent out on June 14. Specifically, three major changes to APGA’s policy resolutions were approved.

The first new resolution, Fair Ratemaking on Tax Issues, addresses Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulation of pipeline rates and call for FERC to require pipelines to return the value of Excess Accumulated Deferred Income Tax to ratepayers and implement equitable ratemaking policies that are fair to ratepayers that paid rates that produced Accumulated Deferred Income Tax accounts. The second proposed new resolution addresses renewable natural gas (RNG) and expresses support for the advancement of RNG technologies and projects. There were also some slight revisions to the existing policy resolutions. There were some formatting and editing changes as well as revising the resolution on Financial Holding Companies Engaging in Physical Natural Gas Commodity Transactions to reflect a December 2018 proposal by the financial regulators that would implement a new approach for calculating the exposure amount of derivative contracts under the agencies' regulatory capital rule.

A copy of APGA’s policy resolutions are available on APGA’s website at For questions on this article, please contact Dave Schryver of APGA staff by phone at 202-464-2742 or by email at
