
2018 APGA Management Salary Survey

By Simon Cook posted 10-04-2018 09:32 AM

APGA is conducting our annual salary survey, which is focused this year on management personnel working for public natural gas systems. We need your help and encourage you to complete the survey online at Please submit information no later than October 26, 2018. The success of this survey is dependent on the number of responses we receive, so your assistance in taking time to complete this survey is greatly appreciated. The results of the survey will be categorized based on gas system size.

A list of positions descriptions is available for reference. Not all positions included on this survey will match yours exactly since each system has different job titles for different functions. Therefore, you must evaluate where your system’s job positions fit into these categories. Please use the actual salaries as of July 1, 2018.

All information received will be kept confidential. No individual salary information will be shared with others. Below is the pricing schedule for the final results of the survey. Please note that all APGA member systems that submit usable information for the survey will receive a complimentary copy of the results.

• Participating APGA members will receive a free copy of the survey results.
• Non-participating APGA members can purchase a copy for $150.
• Participating non-members can purchase a copy for $250.
• Non-participating, non-members may purchase the summary for $500.

Remember to please submit your completed survey before October 26. If you prefer to fill out a paper copy of the survey, it can be found at and returned to the APGA office by mail or fax. For questions, please give us a call at 202-464-2742.
